You create, people pay you for it.

Write newsletters, record podcasts or videos and make money. Build your own community of subscribers. Gazetisto makes it easy.

Create an account

Set your own price

Subscriptions ranging from 49 to 2,000 CZK per month.

You create for yourself

Gazetisto is simply helping you.

No ads

Both online and in newsletters.

Gazetisto calculator

How much can I earn?

Monthly subscription
Number of subscribers

With this data, your approximate* monthly income will be


* After deduction of transaction fees and Gazetisto commission

How does Gazetisto work?

With Gazetisto, you can easily publish newsletters, podcasts or videos and earn monthly revenue from subscribers

Gazetisto will provide you with comprehensive services, space and payment of money. It's up to you to create great content.

Gazetisto account is completely free to register. We take a fixed fee of 15% of your subscription revenue (after deducting payment fees). However, the amount of the fee may vary as agreed individually.

Create an account

What can be published?


What should be the maximum length, what is publishable and what is not. Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum


What should be the maximum length, what is publishable and what is not. Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum


What should be the maximum length, what is publishable and what is not. Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum

All types of content can be sent to subscribers as a regular newsletter

How to publish?


Create a free user account

Create content

Paid or free – it’s up to you

Earn money

Gazetisto arranges all payment services

Haven’t decided yet?

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